Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reason #1 to swaddle your baby

My son, Aaron, swaddle and sleeping in the supine position
The benefits of swaddling has been time tested and recent studies by Dr. Rachel Moon and etc. at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington DC, found “parents who routinely used swaddling were more likely to find it effective and to place their infant supine when swaddled.” (1)

What does this mean?
The benefits of supine sleeping position is not much of a debate and has been the recommend by US pediatricians since 1992.  All pediatricians agree, infants who sleep in the supine position will reduce the likelihood of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).  A study by Skadberg, Morild, & Markestad in 1998 (2) supports the recommended supine position and shows the supine position can greatly reduce occurrence of SIDS.  The supine position reduces SIDS by reducing the possibility of blocking the air ways (nose & mouth).

Overall, supine position is the way parents need to put their baby to sleep.  One method to train infants to sleep in this position is by swaddling.  Thus, reason #1 to swaddle is to reduce the occurrence of SIDS by training your infant to sleep in the supine position.

Supine position – baby’s back is against the mattress (sleeps on the back)
Prone position – baby’s back is facing up away from the mattress (sleeps on the belly)

(1) Swaddling: Will It Get Babies Onto Their Backs for Sleep?, R. Moon, etc, 2011
(2) Abandoning prone sleeping: Effect on the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, Skadberg, Morild, & Markestad, 1998

Monday, January 30, 2012

My research into swaddling brought me to Wikipedia and this is the first image that caught my eye.  This is a painting depicting a swaddle Jesus in the arms of  Mary. It shows swaddling has been around for ages and as early as the time of Jesus' birth.  In these days of increase knowledge, technology, savy, newborns are still swaddle in hospitals.  Nurses wrap babies in burrito shape rolls for parents to hold right after delivery. While wrapped up the mom gets to hold their newborn in her arms for the first time.

I know there are people who are concern that swaddling might be harmful for kids and they are right to be concerned because swaddling can be harmful if not done correctly. When babies are swaddle parents typically are not actively being watch because babies are put to sleep and parents go to sleep themselves during this time.  Thus, swaddling newborns correctly is vital for baby safety and I'll list the benefits of swaddling in a later post.

If babies have been swaddle for generations, then your baby can be swaddle too.
My new mantra; Swaddle your baby like Jesus.